Captivating Dublin is always vibrant, changing, and just… quintessentially Dublin. And it’s why I’m compelled to keep returning. I have been traveling to Dublin long enough to have some favorite go-to spots that I long for when I’m away. So, my recent Dublin discoveries have only intensified competition for my […]
Easter is next Sunday, and I thought long and hard about heading to Dublin for the centennial of The Easter Rising. But ultimately, I decided not to brave the fervent crowds, which will certainly descend upon Dublin this weekend for this momentous occasion in Ireland’s history. Instead I’ve gathered together […]
Meeting House Square is one of my favorite cozy spots, located in the heart of Dublin’s Cultural District. It is a charming and modern modular square that packs a ton of activity inside its high walls. It is ringed with tasty restaurants, art, and history. Here you will find indie […]
The next time I go to L. Mulligan, I will go hungry. Sure, I knew it was going to be stick-to-your-ribs, inventive pub fare with an interesting beer selection, but I wasn’t prepared for how immensely filling it would actually be. And with all the other great food options in Dublin, I didn’t appropriately […]
After a whirlwind roadtrip around the countryside, we arrived back in Dublin for our five final days in Ireland. We immediately made a reservation at The Chop House restaurant for the next night. The Chop House had intrigued me for its modern Irish menu and focus on local products. I […]
Hung-over from lack of sleep on my overnight flight from California to Dublin, I stumbled into my hotel, stashed my luggage, and headed immediately to one of my favorite breakfast spots, The Queen of Tarts. Only about two blocks from my hotel and nestled in the unassuming Cows Lane, lies […]
My first jetlag night in Dublin and I had been struggling to stay awake since my 6am arrival. Six weeks before I had brazenly decided to book theater tickets on my first night in Dublin, as part of my strategy to maximize performances of the Dublin Theatre Festival. When “Spinning” […]
Arriving back in Dublin from Galway, our first priority was lunch. Since The Fumbally was on my must-try-before-leaving-Dublin list, we headed off-the-beaten path to find it. St. Patrick’s Cathedral Diversion En Route to The Fumbally We walked down the wide trafficky boulevard where Patrick St. turns into New St. and […]
When I planned my trip to Dublin, I chose the dates around the Dublin Theatre Festival. Once my flight was confirmed I waited for tickets to go on sale so that I was poised to purchase the second they went on sale to be sure I could get the performances […]
After a walk exploring Smithfield on my last, lazy day in Dublin for a while, I was enthusiastically looking forward to having a meal at the Winding Stair. Because I was immersed in the Dublin Theater Festival every night, lunch was the natural option. I easily found the restaurant just […]
I wanted to escape Dublin's swarm of tourists and open air buses that converge on the city center's around Temple Bar and Trinity College. I decided to give the local neighborhood of Smithfield a whirl. Just north of the Liffey River and east of Temple Bar, Smithfield is conveniently located […]
Exhausted and still jet-lagging on my second day in Dublin, I let myself sleep-in and wasn’t up till 11am. Disappointed after that first crisp sunny day in town – I could hear the early October rain beating firmly on my hotel window sill. The rain served to warm Dublin a […]
Architecture is a priority for me when traveling, so I was eager to check out the recently redeveloped, ultra modern Docklands around the Dublin's Grand Canal. I headed east on foot from my Christchurch 'hood, and quickly skirted through the throngs of tourists and buses at Trinity College. Vintage brick warehouses dramatically transitioned to […]