After a whirlwind day in Naples we jumped on a ferry in the shadow of Vesuvius for an hour-long boat ride, headed to our island destination of Ischia and the resort of Punta Chiarito, set at the mouth of the Bay of Naples. We quickly left Naples in our wake. The impetus for […]
After a day-long drive al We had intentionally made no reservation so that we would have no time pressure as we popped in and out of cute towns along the coast. By early evening, we had checked into our strategically situated downtown hotel. Our plan was to have a leisurely […]
My amazing 3-day trip along the Maine coast could surely be conveyed in pictures alone. Lots of gorgeous scenery and tasty food. Maine really is dotted with picturesque lighthouses that peer out over a rocky blue ocean. And my big discovery may be that three days in Maine is just […]
I just returned from two amazing weeks in New England, and while it was filled with stunning scenery and interesting festivals, it was clearly dominated by food. I spent nearly half the trip in Boston’s city center, with focus on the city’s hip South End …but also did a lot […]
Cork City to Cobh During my recent five day visit to charming Cork City, I popped over to the historic harbor town of Cobh. Normally, it’s a quick 20 minute train ride from Cork City to Cobh, but on this day there was rail construction and buses were shuttling travelers from […]
Car Ferry to County Clare After two days of driving around counties Tipperary and Limerick, we got up early anxious to jump back in our car and escape our soulless Adare hotel. We were excited about our Tarbert Ferry ride from County Kerry into County Clare, which we had decided to do rather […]
When I decided to travel to Ireland, I knew that I wanted to get off the beaten path as much as possible. I shied away from places such as the Ring of Kerry and Dingle Peninsula. Although I’m sure they are heavily travelled because of their stunning beauty, I was […]
Architecture is a priority for me when traveling, so I was eager to check out the recently redeveloped, ultra modern Docklands around the Dublin's Grand Canal. I headed east on foot from my Christchurch 'hood, and quickly skirted through the throngs of tourists and buses at Trinity College. Vintage brick warehouses dramatically transitioned to […]